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Technological Architecture of SGDEA DOCUFile  ECM - BPMN ®

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Product name 

SGDEA DOCUFile ECM - BPMN ® Version 1.0 comprehensively supports the documentary cycle that includes the reception, distribution, processing, organization, consultation, storage and final disposal of both the documents that enter the company and those that are generated through the different internal processes.

SGDEA DOCUFile ECM - BPMN ® Version 1.0 was built keeping in mind the functional characteristics established in the MOREQ requirements model, the ISO 15489 standard and the legislation established through Law 594 of 2000 and Decree 1080 of 2015, among others.


The tool consists of a set of components that are integrated cooperatively to support the documentary and archival management of the


We pay
Upload and Indexing
Query and Search
Traceability and auditing

Manufacturing date 

 December 2.020 First Version 1.0

Current version

 1.0 - All Rights Reserved 2.020

Product description 

Integrated document management system for the management and administration of  all archival activities of an entity, whatever its size. Handles large volumes of documentation and online processes.


Solution capable of managing large volumes of information through all the defined modules.

It complies 100% with all the technical requirements demanded by the model of technological requirements established by the GENERAL ARCHIVE OF THE MOREQ NATION

Management of Comprehensive Normative Document Management.

Management of Integral Processes.

System Modules:

Procesador de la computadora

DOCUFile ADMIN ® (Platform Administration Module)

  • SGDEA DOCUFile ® General Administration Module

  • Module for Configuration and Customization of SGDEA DOCUFile ®

  • User Administration Module

  • Audit Module

  • Archive Module

  • Module of Retention Tables and Valuation Tables Documenta TRD-TVD

  • FUID Inventory Module

  • Reports Module

DOCUFile CAP ® (Digitization, Indexing, Quality Control Module)

  • Conventional Scanning Module

  • Certified Digitization Module

  • Electronic Signature Module

  • Smart Indexing Module OCR-ICR-OMR-CB-QR

  • Manual Indexing Module

  • Quality Control Module

  • Production Module

  • Query Module


DOCUFile BPMN ® (Process Module)

  • Process Configuration Module

  • PQRS Defined Module

  • Defined Module of Certified Single Window

DOCUFile STORAGE ® (Image Storage Module)

  • Storage Module

  • Image Management Module

  • Security and Backups Module

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Technological Application of the Tool

All types of users, state entities and organizations of any type, banks, insurance companies, etc. Any entity or company that generates documentation and procedures.

Technical requirements 

Operating Systems: Linux, GNU / Linux, Windows, MAC Os, Solaris, Redhat, etc.


Databases: ODBC Any Relational Database, Oracle, Informix, MySQL, SQL, MongoDB, PgAdmin, PostgreSQL, Accses, Acend etc.

Hardware Requirements: 1 Application Server, 1 Database Server, 1 Storage Unit for Images and Processes (SAN or STORAGE) User PC Type Windows, Linux, MAC Os.

Development Languages 

PHP, Laravel Framework, Java, JavaScript, Python, C ++.


Google Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer.

Type of license 

Corporativa Lifetime - Unlimited Users.


Web, Cloud, Client Server.

Integrated Components 


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Description of the Application 

The document management solution facilitates the achievement of higher levels of productivity in the organization by promoting the reduction of time and costs per employee in administration, file, search and document management activities.

SGDEA DOCUFile ECM - BPMN ® Version 1.0 through technology facilitates the creation of a culture where the principles of organization, opportunity, safety, respect for the environment and rational use of resources prevail.

Additionally, SGDEA DOCUFile ECM - BPMN ® Version 1.0 contributes to providing faster and more efficient service to clients and / or citizens, creating an environment of order while increasing the levels of security and confidentiality of information.

Our SGDEA DOCUFile ECM Software - BPMN ® Version 1.0 is a product of the ECM (Enterprice Content Management) type. Like most ECM systems, it manages virtually any kind of document (images, digitally generated reports, files, office documents, HTML forms, e-mails, photos, video and sound, among others.), Allowing its use in any stage of the document life cycle (creation / input, storage, consultation, review and distribution).

The main aspect that defines our SGDEA DOCUFile ECM - BPMN ® Version 1.0 software as one of the best on the market is that it offers more functionality within the package than any other ECM system. The benefit for users of our software is a solution that combines high performance with the security of full integration and easy administration.

Our SGDEA DOCUFile ECM Software - BPMN ® Version 1.0 is a solution capable of handling from departmental applications to thousands of users, millions of transactions per day over Terabytes of data and images.

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